As a pastor or ministry leader, it's hard to figure out how to use the internet to raise money. The fact of the matter is that MOST churches, ministries, and nonprofits are doing it wrong and getting little to no results. The Most Effective Online Donation Page Ever is a FREE download created to help you understand exactly what it takes to create a compelling one-page presentation that will maximize your chances of receiving online donations. You don't need to be a techy person. You don't need to "talk geek". Just download the guide, print it, and get the job done.
The Solicitation.
Learn about the important of creating a solicitation message and how to structure it.
Donation Options.
Explore the various options that you will need to make available to maximize the flexibility donors have.
Campaign Goals.
Structure and report your campaign goals to your members and prospective donors to inspire them into action.
The Donation Form.
Learn about the technology that makes it easy for your donors to give right out of the box. In minutes, you can be ready to start your campaign.
Marketing Your Page.
Explore the very best ways to announce your fundraising campaign and attract people to your online donation system.
Get Personal Help.
We are here to help you if you need us. Everything you need to get up and running is just a phone call or e-mail away.

There are absolutely no string attached. We want to help you start raising money online as soon as possible. Download The Most Effective Online Donation Page Ever for FREE and get started today!

What Our Clients Are Telling Us
I can't tell you how great (and accommodating) you guys have been in this process. There have been other firms that we've explored but none as professional and personable as yours. - Pastor Sung
Thank you so much for all that NetMinistry presents to ministries like mine - to be able to have a great website for spreading the gospel. What a delight to be with you!"- Jean Warner Ministries
I want to take a minute to express my gratitude to you and your staff for the incredibly competent way you do your work for the Lord. - Randy Kilgore, MadetoMatter.Org
Your excellent professional and inspired work has enabled our writing, design and photographic skills to grow and to be showcased in a manner which has gained attention all over the world... - Raylyn
Our church website is now live as of last Friday and I continue to be impressed with many of features in the CMS... - Renea Teaster
You do not know how much I appreciate your help today. You really went above and beyond. I know you worked past your regular workday on this and I really want to thank you. - Lynda